If you pass a Step or Step Component, you are not allowed to retake it, except to comply with certain state board requirements which have been previously approved by USMLE governance. For example, you may retake a passed Step to comply with the time limit imposed by a medical licensing authority for the completion of all Steps or a requirement imposed by another authority recognized by the USMLE program for this purpose. The medical licensing authority must provide information showing that you are an applicant for licensure in that jurisdiction; have fulfilled all requirements for licensure in that jurisdiction; are eligible for licensure except for the out-of-date examination; and have completed the full USMLE sequence, including Step 3. Information regarding retakes allowed to comply with ECFMG requirements is provided at the time of exam application using ECFMG's Interactive Web Applications (IWA).
If you are repeating a previously passed Step or Step Component because of a time limit imposed by a medical licensing authority, you may apply to retake the examination only after the applicable time limit has expired. An exception to this policy can be granted if, at the time of application and testing:
- you are currently enrolled in an LCME- or AOA accredited medical school program leading to the MD or DO degree;
- you have previously passed Step 1 and/or Step 2 but have not passed Step 3;
- you are expected to graduate from the medical school program six or more years after the date you first passed Step 1 and/or Step 2; and
- you are otherwise eligible to retake the examination.